If you have a complaint about a product or service we provide, we want to hear what you have to say.
How we handle complaints
We’d love for you to tell us if there’s something you think we could be doing better.
If you send us a complaint, our Investor Care team will help to find an outcome for you. We aim to resolve complaints within five days, and some we might be able to resolve on the spot.
If we need more time to investigate and respond to your complaint, we’ll let you know and keep you updated along the way. Resolving a complaint won’t take any longer than 30 days.
Our public complaints policy
Our public complaints policy, Tell us your thoughts: Sharesies Guide to Handling your Feedback, is a guide to letting us know your complaints.
This guide includes:
how you can lodge a complaint, as well as provide your comments and compliments
what you can expect when you lodge a complaint with us
how you can access the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) services where a complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction
how you can have someone complain on your behalf, and
our approach to aggressive or unreasonable complainant conduct.
Make a complaint
If you have a complaint, you can let us know in one of the following ways:
Post: PO Box Q1410, Queen Victoria Building, NSW 1230
Chat: Select the help icon in our app to chat with our Investor Care team.
Phone: 1800 959 366 (free call)
Where we can’t answer your call, please leave a message so we can contact you back.