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‘VOO and chill’—Inside Vanguard’s powerhouse ETF

Shared Lunch

What’s behind the ETF pulling in $86B this year?

In this episode, we talk to David Sharp from Vanguard about VOO, the world’s second-largest ETF with $86 billion added in new investment over 2024. Hear why it’s so tough for active managers to beat the index long-term, the trouble with timing the market, and what it means to 'VOO and chill'.

We get into some of your big ETF questions: What’s the exposure for passive investors as the 'Magnificent Seven' tech giants command nearly 30% of the S&P 500? How will US election outcomes impact the markets? And is the US market truly 'topping out'—or is there still room to run? 

Plus, David explains Vanguard’s hard pass on the latest crypto gold rush.

Go behind the scenes of this investment giant ahead of VOO’s upcoming launch into the Sharesies KiwiSaver Scheme.

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