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Monthly fees calculator

Pay as you go? Or a plan? Use this calculator to get an idea of your potential fees on Sharesies based on how you currently (or would like to) invest each month.

Add your orders

Add the buy, sell, and auto-invest orders you’d typically place in a month.
The sequence that you add your orders may change the total potential fees you’d pay on a plan.

Enter the investment’s name or ticker code.

My orders

Add an order above to get started.

Order total

$0 AUDPer month

About this calculator

This calculator is designed to give you estimates of the fees you might be charged on the pay as you go and plan options on the Sharesies platform.

For more info about these options, check out the pricing page.

Fee estimates

Your fee estimates are calculated using the info and amounts you entered for buying and selling investments, as well as round-ups. The estimates assume that the orders you enter are placed within a one-month time frame.

The estimates are provided as a guide only and aren’t intended to be a recommendation or relied upon for making a financial decision. They’re also not a substitute for professional financial advice from a licensed adviser.

Sharesies isn’t responsible for any decisions you make based on the outputs of this calculator.

Why your actual fees might be different

The fee estimates provided by this calculator might be different to your actual fees on the Sharesies platform for a variety of reasons, including:

  • the displayed amounts are rounded to two decimal places
  • exchange rates aren’t live and were last updated 6 December 2023
  • investments displayed on the calculator may be different from those available on the Sharesies platform
  • your fees may be different if you change the number or sequence of transactions you place, even where your total order value remains the same, as they may be impacted by fee caps.

Other fees and charges may also apply, including Wallet top-up fees, currency exchange fees, depositary and ADR fees, and fees that are charged by fund managers. The pay as you go and plan fees are accurate as of 25 January 2024.

Who’s it provided by?

This calculator (including the supporting fee breakdown table) is provided by Sharesies Australia Limited (ABN 94 648 811 830; AFSL 529893) (Sharesies). This calculator does not provide personal advice or a recommendation. If you need help making a decision for your circumstances, needs and objectives, you should contact a licensed financial advisor.

Ready to get started?

To pay as you go, you don’t need to do anything special—just place your orders as usual, and it’ll apply by default. To choose a plan, head to the Sharesies app:

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